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So Tired from Moving

Damn am I tired or what!  My roommate and I started to move last night and we just finished it today.  I have never packed and moved that fast in my life.  We packed everything and moved within 48 hours.  I am so tired and drained of energy.  I can’t even believe that I am typing this right now because I just want to shower and go to bed.  Anyway.

I got good news today.  I found out that my insurance coverage is still good until the end of the month so that means that I can re-order my insulin before the coverage actually runs out.  This was such great news to me, especially when every bit of news that I have been getting has been bad.  My blood sugars have been good the past few days though which is a surprise because I have been so stressed that it’s not even funny.  Sunday is a relaxation day.  No moving, nothing but watching football and catching back up.  I used to be on my laptop for about 5-8 hours a day, I am now on it for about 20-30 minutes a day.

Well, I am slowly getting back into my blogging mode.

Take care.