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I Almost Forgot How to Blog

Today was my first Monday working in over a month, what a long day it was.  I started working again last Thursday, so with all the talking going back and forth I didn’t have much time to continue to blog.  I had a lot of things going on with worrying about insurance and bills and being unemployed that I had to just take time off from blogging for a while.  Now I am back.  There has not been too much going on in my life, so there’s not much even to talk about.

I still haven’t even gotten around to downloading the USB Contour data onto my computer.  Did I mention that I have to move this week and weekend, so that doesn’t help things that much either.  The main reason that I am blogging today is because I received an e-mail from somebody telling me that they were sad to see that I haven’t blogged in a while because they read it everyday and they looked forward to seeing my blogs everyday because it made them feel comfortable with managing their diabetes.

That to me made me realize that I need to continue to blog.  If my blog has influenced only one person, then that is more than I have ever thought that I would.

With that, it is pizza and Wii night at the future in-laws tonight.