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Finally Cutting Back on Caffeine Intake

I spoke before on here about the fact that I need to cut back on my caffeine intake.  It was made very clear to me at my last doctor’s visit, that I must do this.  Mainly, my doctor felt that it could be one of the main facts of my blood pressure being high.  I was drinking anywhere from 8-10 cups of coffee a day, plus 1-2 energy drinks a day.  Some days was less, and some times even more than that.

Lately, I have been following the rules.  I have cut back my coffee to scary levels.  I drink a large coffee in the morning or 1-2 mugs of coffee and then 1-2 after lunch and then that is it.  Every so often there will be more caffeine in there, like an energy drink late at night to keep me going to finish some projects that I am working on.

Now that I know that I can cut back on coffee, I also know that I can cut back on the amount of food that I intake at every meal which means an easy way to lose weight.  Losing weight is the next big step in my life.  I have turned to quotes from Joel Osteen to help me reach these goals, more on that in a post tomorrow.

Until then, have a great day.

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