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Dear Diabetes – A Letter to a Friend

Dear Diabetes,

I know you can’t read this because you are obviously not a person, but can we pretend for today that you are because there are some things that I want to to tell you.  We have a love-hate relationship for sure.  We have our highs and we have our lows, especially when it comes to my blood sugar.  There are times that I curse the moment that I met you.  On the flip side, there are also times where I am so happy to have met you because you have changed my life.

No matter what anybody else says about you or thinks about you, you are here to stay.  You can either be my life long nemesis or you can be a life long friend.  I choose to have a life long friend by my side to get through life.  When I sit down and think about it, I owe my life to you.  Let’s look at some of the things that have happened that would not have if I did not meet you.  Good and Bad.  We will start with the bad so we can end on a good note.

I may have still been playing football.  I stopped playing football in college because I did not know what was wrong with me and I had no energy and no drive to continue to go through winter and spring workouts.  I would have a lot more money because I wouldn’t have to spend so much on you.  You are more spoiled then one of those Real Housewives of New Jersey ( kind of viscous like them at times as well!)  I wouldn’t be testing my blood sugar and inserting a needle into me constantly.  I also wouldn’t be waking up in the middle of the night in a sweat and light headed wondering where I can get my next fix of sugar.  But diabetes, like I said we have some good things as well.

First, I would never have moved to Florida if it wasn’t for you because I would have finished college back up North and probably stayed in that area.  That obviously means that I would not have met Amanda (girlfriend of almost 5 years).  Which by the way, I am glad that you and her are able to get along and play well with each other because if you couldn’t, then I don’t know where I would be.  If it wasn’t for meeting you Diabetes, I would not have a blog, which means I would never have gotten to know all these wonderful, caring people.  You have given me a whole new outlook on life and showed me that there is still good in this world and not everybody is just out for themselves.  Finally, if it wasn’t for you, then I would not own my own business.  I would not be doing the things that I love to do if it wasn’t for you.  I may not even have loved the things that I now love because of you.

In ending this letter, let me just say a few more things.  Diabetes, you are my friend.  When we have a bad moment, let’s just fix it and move on and not think back and hold grudges.


Chris – The Life of a Diabetic

2 thoughts to “Dear Diabetes – A Letter to a Friend”

  1. What a great post!! I love when we can look past the bad things about having diabetes and embrace all of the good!! 🙂

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