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Drop Dead Fred – Drop Dead Diabetes

Last night I watched the movie Drop Dead Fred.  The reason that I watched it was because my girlfriend and her brother were talking about old school movies that they liked and this movie was mentioned.  I vaguely remembered any of the movie, just a few parts that when they happened I said, oh yea I remember this part.  I was a young kid when I saw this movie, probably around 10 or so and I know I liked it, I just couldn’t remember why.  Now I remember.  That movie was so perverted and so dirty in language, that as a kid, I thought it was awesome that people were saying those words.

If you have never seen the movie or don’t remember, the girls imaginary friend, Drop Dead Fred, makes her do a lot of bad things.  As she gets older he starts to do things that ruin her life and she starts to hate him.  But at times, she realizes that he is there to stay and she just needs to live with him peacefully in order for things to be right.  Sort of sounds like something that we all have in common huh?

Except, it is not imaginary, it is real.  Diabetes makes me do things that I don’t like to do, like test blood sugar, take shots, get low and scare people that love me.  I know I am going out on a limb here to compare the two things, but use your imagination.

What movie character would you compare your diabetes to?

Please comment, or @reply me on Twitter.  I’d love to know.