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Big Plans for June

Over the last week or so I have not been very active online at all.  Every so often I do this on purpose to just take a break.  There are times that I am just on the computer way too much and miss out on a lot of fun things and time with friends and family.  There are things that I can’t stop doing on the computer, such as my work, but things like blogging and tweeting and reading blogs is what I am able to cut out for about a week or so.

I’m still here and doing well though.  My blood sugars have been pretty normal, some highs here and there, but nothing out of the normal.  Actually, right now while I am typing this my blood sugar is the highest it has been in a while, 397.  I think it was a little high before I went to bed and I went to the bathroom a few times in the middle of the night.  So I did the non-smart thing and just bolused for 10 units at about 3:00 a.m. without testing because I could tell my blood sugar was high (kids don’t try this at home).  10 units to you may seem like a lot, but to me, it’s nothing.  I’m on a 4:1 carb ratio, and my correction is 1 unit for every 8 “points” off of my target BG.  See why I go through one reservoir every day and a half?

Today is the start of a new month, and it is a big push business wise for me starting today.  I have some big goals set for the month of June, both health wise and business oriented.  Health wise, I plan on eating smaller portions and exercising a bit more.  Business wise, I plan on taking on 5 new clients. (Remember, I donate 10% of my contract price to JDRF or whichever you charity you choose).  With these 2 main goals, it is going to be hard to work them together.

The more clients I take on, the more time a day I need to spend on them.  So that means less sleep and less time to cook healthy and to exercise.  I hate having to be on a schedule, but I think it is the only way that I am going to get things accomplished.  I normally have a list of things to get done in the day, but no particular order or time to get it done.

Well, I am working on getting all the posts together for the guest post week that starts next Monday.  If you submitted a post, I will be sending you a DM or e-mail this week letting you know what day that your post will be up.

Have a great day.