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Creating Habits to Create Change

The only way to create a change in your lifestyle is by creating good habits. I’m tired of saying:

✅ I want to lose weight.

✅ I want to have better blood sugars.

✅ I want to be more successful.

✅ I want to buy a Tesla.

✅ I want to buy a new home.

✅ I want to run a 5k.

✅ I want to do a lot of things.

I’m not going to lose weight by just “going on a diet.” Because what happens when I go off of the diet? I put the weight right back on.

Having better blood sugars, meaning, having my time-in-range be in the 90% mark like I want requires a lifestyle change, not just a simple tweak.

How to Create Lifestyle Changes

So, how do I create these lifestyle changes?

By creating good habits, actually great habits.

I’ve read so many different books, articles and listened to plenty of podcast episodes about some of the habits of the most successful people in the world. And there tends to be a lot of things in common.

The most common thing amongst all of them is that they create the habit the same way.

Just keep doing it over and over and over.

I’ve written here in the past about using a method called the Diabetes Power List, where I write out 5 things that I need to do every single day to help me achieve my goals. These are not tasks for the day, but much more of macro items.

For example, wake up at 6 am. Eat less then 75g or carbs a day, etc.

By waking up every single day at 6 am for 15-20 days, it will become a habit. There are a lot of theories out there for how long you need to do something before it becomes a habit. But, this is what I am talking about when I talk about creating good habits.

Must Stick with It

Sticking with something for 2-3 weeks, every single day and then it eventually just becomes a habit. It becomes part of your daily routine and your life. For example, when I finish taking a shower, I brush my teeth, it’s just a habit, it’s just what I do.

So, what are some of these habits that I want to create in order to help me achieve the wealth, health and mental goals that I want to reach?

  1. Wake up every day before 6 am.
  2. 20 minutes (minimum) of cardio before morning coffee
  3. Meet 3 new people every single day
  4. Create 1 piece of content every single day
  5. Do not go over my daily carb goal (I’m not putting the number here, because I don’t feel like having a carb vs no-carb discussion here.)
  6. Dedicated family time, no phones, no emails, no distractions.
  7. Go to bed before 11:30 pm.

Life throws curveballs at you all the time, but habits are just that, habits. You do them without even thinking about it. It’s not something that you make an excuse for, as to why you can’t do it. You just do it because that’s just what you do every single day.

Here’s to creating better habits.

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