I wrote a few months ago about how I never really wore a medical ID necklace or bracelet until recently. My thoughts on medical IDs definitely changed when my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes back in February of this year.
I’m sure just like any other kid, my daughter was not going to wear something that wasn’t cool, flashy or something that did not fit into her princess style.
The search was on.
I’ve been at this blogging thing for over a decade now, so I’ve seen my fair share of medical ID jewelry companies and I think they are all amazing. Since I love the one that I have from American Medical ID, I decided to check out the ones that they have for children.
They have a lot of cool designs, 2 of which you can see below; including the butterfly and kids dinosaur medical ID.

These are just a couple of the awesome designs that are available.
Having a child with type one diabetes is a lot different than managing my own type one diabetes. There are a lot more challenges that I have seen, now that my daughter has had type one for about five months now. There are times where my blood sugar goes low and I know that it’s going low and I can easily do something about it. With my daughter even though we have a Dexcom, there are still times that technology may not just be as perfect as it supposed to be.
So one day when we were at Target shopping for new shoes like any normal family would do, when my daughter just so happens to say that she felt “wobbly”. Now this is before she had an actual Dexcom. So I pulled out the meter in the middle of Target and checked her blood sugar.
It was 47.
First thing that I did was obviously just pick her up and rush her to the front of the store and grabbed a juice. The juice that I had with us I did not feel like it was going to be enough so I wanted to make sure that I got a larger juice with more sugar for her to drink. Luckily everything was OK. Her blood sugar came up quickly and that was that. We went on with life.
Now why did I tell that story on an article about medical ID bracelet? Simply for the fact that this could’ve happened at any time whether I was around my child or not. Let’s say for example she was at the park with a babysitter or she was at school or preschool or anywhere where she was not with me or her mother or somebody that knew a lot about her diabetes. Without a medical ID bracelet most people would not of known what to do they would not of known that she has diabetes she could have possibly had one of many medical concerns that forced her to start slurring her words possibly pass out or who knows what else.
That was the day that I said why do we not already have a medical ID bracelet for her. I knew that she needed one but it was something that we kind of just kept pushing off as we were adjusting to this new lifestyle.
Four-year-old is just like any other four-year-old if she’s forced to wear a piece of jewelry that is not cute or pretty or have princesses dinosaurs or any other fun characters she’s most likely not going to want to wear. In fact it’s going to be more of an inconvenience for her to wear then she will actually want to wear. When it comes to something like a medical ID bracelet we want her to wear it at all times, which is exactly why we needed to have something that was cool and fun. In fact we decided to have two different ones that way she can pick and choose which one she wants and which one she wants to wear.
I could go on and on with different examples of why a medical ID bracelet is so important for not just anybody what type type one diabetes but more specifically a child with type one diabetes . But if you are reading this article changes or you know those reasons why because you either live with type one diabetes yourself or you care for somebody that lives with type one diabetes. Or are you just here reading my blog because I’ve kind of forced you to because your family or friends.
I know that there are a lot of websites out there that sell medical ID bracelets but American Medical ID is my choice and I highly recommend you check that now.