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Tonight’s Main Event Fight – Diabetes vs Diabetes

Well, as I spoke about in yesterday’s post about missing the Roche social media summit, it sucked!  Luckily, this was a DOC event so of course our fellow friends were there tweeting everything good going on.  There seems to be a lot that was discussed and hopefully it will make an influence on decision makers minds and that things will get done.

The tweet that stuck out the most to me was from @saraknic.  I don’t think it was a tweet, and I don’t know how it was said or who it was said to, but Manny put the quote on Twitter, “No other disease fights with itself.”  This struck me big time, because it is something that I have been fighting for, to get everyone on the same page with the same goals.

Here is a perfect example, my girlfriend Amanda wanted to buy a bracelet with a charm on it, or a colored bracelet, not the rubber ones, but a regular one, and she was going to buy a red one because the is the “color for diabetes.”  Well, red is what the ADA uses, but IDF uses blue.  So which one is it?  Why is it even a question?  When you see the color pink, what is the very first thing you think of?  Exactly.  You automatically think about breast cancer.

Well, I don’t want to speak too much about things that went on at the event, because I really don’t know and I’ll be waiting to hear from all the people that were there.

But thank you Sara for bringing up such a great point!

One thought to “Tonight’s Main Event Fight – Diabetes vs Diabetes”

  1. You’re welcome! The comment came during our discussion with the ADA. It was in reference to what you bring up here – Type 1, Type 2, ADA, JDRF, IDF, we all need to work together if we want people to listen and if we want to work towards a cure.

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