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Starting a New Job with Diabetes

Well, yesterday I mentioned that I had some exciting news.  This probably isn’t exciting news for you, but it is for me.  I have put the independent work to the side and decided to get back into the office / team environment and get a “corporate” job.  After a good search, I was given word last Thursday that I am now hired.  So, that’s the news.  I will be starting a new job next Monday as an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Specialist.  I am so excited to get back into an office environment and start working again.  The hours are long and it is going to be tough at first, but it is doing something that I love, so you can’t go wrong with that.  The hardest part of starting a new job with diabetes is introducing diabetes to everybody.

It can be like the first day of starting at a new school.  I don’t know what that is like because I never moved and had to change schools in the middle of the year, but I was always nice to the “new kid” in the classroom, because I couldn’t imagine how hard it was to leave your friends and go somewhere near.  Anyway, getting off subject, back to diabetes.  There are so many things that you have to prepare for when starting a new job with diabetes.  I feel that it is my responsibility to let as many people know as possible that I am diabetic and what to do in case something bad happens.  I put candy in my desk, I leave a meter and strips at my desk and I usually keep some infusion sets, reservoirs, and an emergency vial of insulin there as well.  The office is a 30-40 minute commute, one way, so it’s not like I can just come home at lunch break to change out an infusion site.

This also means more questions I am going to be asked, and I love that.  I can educate people on diabetes, what else is better than that.  I remember at my old office when people asked me questions when I was refilling a reservoir at work.  It felt to educate them and let them know what I was doing, and what that loud priming noise was.  I don’t know if there are any other diabetics that work there, but I’m sure I will find out quickly.  It is awesome to meet a co-worker with diabetes.

One thing this does mean is that there will be less time I will be spending on Twitter during the day and being able to read blogs.  I won’t be  getting home until about 7-8 and won’t have much time to do anything else.  I will continue to keep up with my blog and try to read as many of yours as possible.  I am leaning towards doing more video blogs because it only takes 3-5 minutes to record, about a minute to upload and post, since there is no editing in it.

Well, I hope you are all as excited as I am!

Have a great day.

5 thoughts to “Starting a New Job with Diabetes”

  1. Congrats. Welcome (back) to the “Real World”. Lol.

    For the commute, I recommend an iPod, and podcasts. I hear that “Just Talking” show is kinda good 😉

  2. Mega-congrats to you, and good luck! Enjoy these last few days of comparative freedom! 🙂

    Looking forward to the vlogs…I’d do it myself, but I’m sure I’d just end up staring blankly at the webcam, saying, “uh-uh-uuuuh…”

  3. Congrats on the new job!!! Praying your first days will be smooth and seamless. Also that the people will be open and understanding of diabetes.
    So very cool!! Good job!

  4. Congrats!! I hope that the diabetes doesn’t make anything awkward, but I’ve only been at one job with diabetes and was dx there, so I don’t know what it will be like!! Congrats again!

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