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Start A Revolution

I was hoping this new year would not start out as hectic as the old year ended, but that hasn’t been the case. I have still been on the go or working for about 12-15 hours throughout the day and it is still taking a big toll on my diabetes control. Over the last 3-4 months I have had only a handful of blood sugars under 200, that is not good at all. It is mainly due to lack of testing and eating out all the time and no exercise.

Lately I have been eating better and getting as much exercise in as possible, but still not to the proper levels. Amanda and I will be moving to a new place together at the end of the month, so I think that will help calm things down after the first week or two of moving.

I always tell people, stop bitching and start a revolution, well it’s about time for me to stop bitching about being overweight and not fitting into clothes and not having good bg numbers, so it’s time to start a revolution.

Have a great weekend.