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Results of My Endo Appointment

I had my endo appointment earlier today, so I wanted to share the results from it.

Going into the appointment I knew that my A1C was going to be bad and that my weight was too much and that my blood sugars were all over the map and that my doctor was not going to be very happy with me.  Luckily my doctor is diabetic herself, so she knows what it is like to live with diabetes.  I explained to her different things that were going on with my life that may be affecting my blood sugars and them being high too frequently.  Losing a job, starting my own company, working 80 hours a week and not eating or exercising properly, were all the reasons that I gave her, which I know are not excuses.

She told me that my A1C was 7.9 which we were both surprised at after looking at the blood sugars from my graphs.  We adjusted by basal rates again, which now total 66.6 units of insulin a day.  I do not like that number, but that’s what I am going to try my new basal rates at.  I use so much insulin, it’s ridiculous.  Almost 70 units from basal and about another 100 units a day from carbs.  That is why I am changing my reservoir every 1.5 – 2 days.

My blood pressure was a little high again, which has been 3 out of my last 4 visits.  I explained that I drink a lot of coffee, I mean a lot of coffee and that can be affecting the blood pressure.  I schedule my appointments early in the morning, so everytime I have an appointment, I have usually just finished a large iced coffee.  So my blood pressure could be high from that.  Next visit she wants me to come in and not drink any coffee before hand so that we can get a better reading on my blood pressure.

That was really about it.  She wanted me to exercise more, but not too much was discussed.  She also though that I should take more breaks from my work by taking a quick 10 minute walk which will give me my exercise needed and also reduce my stress levels.  Next visit, 6 weeks.