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reading diabetes related books

My December Updated Reading List

I had set a goal of reading 25 books this year, or basically, 2 books a month. The first 3 months of the year, I was on pace. I was primarily listening to audiobooks, which is the same thing to me. It’s easier for me to do that.

I am nowhere near the 25 that I wanted to be at, but my goal is to read at least 3 of the 4 books listed below. These are books that were sent to me in agreement of writing a review for them. I get at least 2-3 of these emails a day asking to review books and 90% of them I decline. I only accept the ones that I feel I could personally benefit from and then sharing that to my readers who could benefit from it.

Change Bites


This is the book that I am currently reading. The subtitle of the book “5 Change Management Strategies to Transform Your Health” is what caught my eye. I obviously need to make some changes. My goal for weight loss in 2018 was 50 pounds. Just 1 pound a week. I’ve lost a net of 9. So, less than a pound a month. Not really what I was looking for.

240 Beats Per Minute

When this book came through my inbox, I wanted to read it because I have high blood pressure and I have a high resting heart rate and it increases quickly when I do start to exercise, or sometimes just any movement at all that isn’t really considered exercise. So, I wanted to read this book and read about someone who, at times, had a heart rate of 240 beats per minute.

Be Heart Smart

As I mentioned above, I have high blood pressure and heart attacks are my biggest fear. So, understanding, treating and preventing coronary heart disease was obviously a book that I wanted to read.

An End to Upside Down Thinking

The reason that I wanted to read this book is because I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction (see the book The Secret to start) and I felt that this book would allow me to think at things a bit differently. I love reading books that make me look at anything from a different perspective. As a human, I can only have the perspective of what I’ve experienced, so I love reading about other experiences and opinions.

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