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Long Term Achievement is Made Up of Short Term Goals

Achieving something does not happen automatically.  In order to get to the end, you have to follow a certain path.  There is no written path, well there can be, but I choose to create my own path, thanks to Robert Frost in fifth grade.  Small steps are needed to reach a larger achievement.  This is for anything in life, but since this is the Life of a Diabetic, lets relate it to my diabetes.

This food that I am about to eat, is it going to help my overall goal of losing weight and lowering my A1c?  Will testing my sugar before I eat instead of just guessing what it is, or just inputting a blank bg reading on my pump before I eat help my longer goals?  These long term goals can seem like they are almost impossible to achieve if you look at the end result.   So instead, let’s just create smaller goals that will equal to your larger goal.

So if I want to lose 3-5 pounds this week, then I need to accomplish that a daily basis, not on a weekly basis.  Take it one step at a time, that is the only way to get there.  I am writing this post also as a note and motivation to myself, because I am so focused on the end result, that I fail all the small little steps in between which will never lead me to my destination. I have an A1c test that I need to get done over the weekend and have my first endo appointment in nearly 9 months, so I am scared about this appointment, because I feel that I am letting myself down and letting my doctor down who is trying so hard to get me under control.

There are no excuses for the decisions that I have been making that result in my weight gain and lack of exercise.

Let’s end this on a positive note. I ate a salad for lunch today 🙂

Take care ya’ll

4 thoughts to “Long Term Achievement is Made Up of Short Term Goals”

  1. Small moves indeed 🙂 I’m hopeful your A1C isn’t as “bad” as you fear, and in any case it’s just a place to start from, right?

    I’m working on better BG control myself. Since moving to Delray it’s been a challenge getting used to how my BGs react to this heat & humidity. Never thought twice about it in Chicago except when working out on a really hot day. I’m also trying to cut waaaay back on caffeine–when I’m drinking so many Diet Cokes to cool off, I forget about the caffeine content. Whew!

    Here’s to salads and trying! 🙂

    1. I totally forgot you were in Delray now. Well if you need any tips I’m the one to ask because I live in Delray myself ha. Welcome to Delray if you have questions bout the area too let me know.

  2. question? do any of you do hard work? something that involves alot of hard manual labor .working long hours, and by what i mean manual labor not sitting at a desk all day and say WOW it’s time to check my blood sugar and be able to just check it anytime you please . Cause when you work a real job, you can’t go off running every 2 to 3 hours to check your blood sugar. Thats what they call the real working world with manual labor. it’s not that we can’t keep it under control but when u value your job , we have to be treated like everyone else or not have one to go back too.

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