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Life of a Diabetic Update

It’s been over a week since my last post and I really did not want to go this long without posting anymore, but I guess it just happened, but what are you going to do.  My last several posts have been about the Roche Social Media Summit, but this post is going to be just a simple post about what has been going on in my life lately.  Let’s start with the weight issue.  I haven’t lost any weight lately.  I have been eating a little healthier again and eating better at lunch time than I have been.  My endo appointment is approaching and I know that she is going to recommend that I go on Symlin to help me lose weight.  I spoke with George and Scott briefly at the summit about Symlin and some pro’s and con’s so if that suggestion is brought up to me by her again, then I will have to think a little more deeply into that route.

The next area is my blood sugars.  I have been going through about a month long period that my normal level is about 225.  I am not getting my sugar under 200 very often, so I am trying to figure out exactly what is going on.  I think that it is because my portion control was….well, way out of control recently.  Now that my portion control is getting better again, my sugar levels are getting better again too.  I know that my A1C is going to be high this month, but that gives me something to work towards and a goal to accomplish.

Other than that, there is not a whole lot going on.  Work has been incredibly busy, my dog is going great, my girlfriend is doing great, so life is just great. Hopefully tomorrow I will have something a little more exciting for you to read, but we will see.