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Insurance and Insulin – Not a Fun Combo

A lot of words don’t really scare me, but these two words when used in the same sentence definitely scare the hell out of me, insulin and insurance.  My life depends on both of them.  Basically, I can’t live without either one.  Without insulin, my blood sugar shoots up sky high and good things are not bound to happen.  Without insurance, I am not going to be able to continue to afford the amount of insulin that I use.  (Yes, I know technically I can get insulin without insurance, but I use a lot of insulin, so there is no way that I could afford it).

It is coming up on my time to re-order my insulin.  The last time that I re-ordered was back in September, and I was using my Aetna insurance that I had for almost a year, so I was comfortable with their mail order and knew exactly how long it would take before the insulin was actually in my hands.  This time, I am going to have to use Medco for the first time.  I have heard good things, and I have heard bad things about them, just like any insurance company.

My biggest concern is just the first order.  There is always something that seems to go wrong with the first order.  Whether it is that that RX was not faxed in time, it was faxed to the wrong number or department, it wasn’t filled out properly, it was received after hours, or it takes 7-10 business days to process the RX (which is just ridiculous because there is no way nor reason why it should take that long).  And yes, these are all responses from insurance companies that I have received over the years.

I will be attempting to re-order my insulin some time this week.  I have to get only a one month prescription from the doctor because I have another appointment on December 3, so she wants to see me to see what kind of changes need to be made before giving 3 month prescriptions for strips, infusion sets, strips, and the whole works.  I’m still striving to cut weight to get myself that OmniPod I want!

Well have a great week everybody.