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Inspirational Quote – Day 2 HAWMC

The quote that I chose to write about today is, “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”I have heard this quote from different people. The first time that I actually heard it was in a Donald Trump book about success and working hard, “Think Big and Kick Ass,” to be exact. I then looked up who the quote came from and I saw a lot of sources that say Thomas Jefferson was quoted saying this.

I am a firm believer in this quote. I actually have this quote permanently attached to my desk and I see it everyday I sit down and to get ready to work. I can also relate this to my diabetes world and not just the world of running a business. The harder you work at something, the easier it tends to get, or the better you tend to get at it, which makes it seem like your luck is changing.

Let’s take one example. This blog. When I first started blogging, like everybody, I didn’t have any readers or people commenting or sharing my posts. I kept working at my writing skills (which haven’t improved much, but it’s just my own personal style), and worked hard at making my blog easier to read, and began blogging about more topics that I had opinions on. After several years of working hard, staying up late at night, getting up early in the mornings to write posts, I started to get some good luck coming my way. More people began commenting, sharing, tweeting, and even inviting me to attend events. I worked hard and I got lucky!

This can also be related to diabetes management. Working hard at controlling your blood sugars isn’t always going to turn out the way you want it to, because that’s just diabetes. But you can set your self up for more of a success if you are working hard at it, and who knows, you may just get lucky and have a no-hitter!

Hard work pays off, eventually. Don’t rush it, be patient.