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I’m Tired of Diabetes Right Now

You may have noticed that lately, the past 2 weeks, my posts have been a lot shorter and not really that interesting.  I am aware of this and I do believe there is a reason.  It’s because I’m just tired of diabetes right now.  I haven’t had a job so there is a lot more time to think about diabetes and all of the things that go along with it, and I’m just tired of it.  At times I don’t really feel like talking about it.  I just want a break from it.  I can’t take a break from managing it, so I am just taking a break from constantly talking about it and typing 500-1000  words a day about it.

So, for this, you may see some different things come up in my blog that I totally not related to diabetes, things that will let you see the other side of me, the parts of me that have nothing to do with diabetes.  More of Chris and less of the diabetic kid.  If you don’t want to read about that stuff, then fine with me, send me an email and I will let you know when I write a post about diabetes if you want.  Or don’t, either way.

Obviously everything in my life will be diabetes related because diabetes is a part of me and I live with it and must manage it on a daily basis.  But I don’t have to talk about it every single day though.  So for today, this is enough about diabetes.  I will be over this very shortly, I get over everything quickly.  So there will be some good interesting posts that come up again soon, I promise.

Until then, have a great day and weekend.