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Disconnecting from the Diabetes Online Community

Disconnecting from the community is not something that I like to do, but it is something that I think we all must do from time to time.  I don’t mean that we should just stop talking to everybody in the online community for a certain period of time, but getting away from tweeting all day, and writing long blog posts and reading all the long posts.  These are things that can help you come back refreshed and even better than ever.  Grant it, disconnection does not always work for everybody, so what works for me, may be useless to you.  I recently took two disconnection breaks from the community and it gave me a better perspective and drive for what I am trying to accomplish.

I made a new goal for myself that there is one day a week that I am going to disconnect myself from the online community and focus that time and effort on establishing a better relationship and foundation with my local offline communities.  I have been reaching out to several different local groups and chapters and you will see in an upcoming post, that it hasn’t been very successful of late.  I refuse to be turned down by the local chapters, I will continue to fight.  The only way that I can seem to have this strength to continue to fight hard, day in and day out, is to have this little time of disconnection.

I love my diabetes online community, even if we’re discussing things that we feel differently about, we all have the same goal or goals.  If you are not doing many things in your local communities for advocacy and education and support, than I encourage you to take some of the time you spend with the online community and put that towards your offline.  If you still have the time to do both, than that’s even better.

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