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Diabetes Sick Days Suck

I have been sick lately, and it sucks.  It makes it even worse that my blood sugars are all over the place the last 48 hours because of me being sicks.  Diabetes sick days suck!  As soon as I start feeling sick, I automatically start thinking of the diabetes sick day check list from the Diabetes for Dummies book that I read in one day after my diagnosis.  I never remember all of the items on the checklist, but there are a few things that stick out to me.  The number one thing being that my blood sugar can stay high during the whole time that I am sick.

That’s exactly how it’s been the last few days.  My throat started to get sore and then my ear started to hurt a little bit.  Not good, because this is exactly what happened a couple of ears ago when I had the blocked eustachian tube and had clogged ears for a few weeks.

Anyway, back to this diabetes sick day stuff.  I am not wearing my Dexcom right now because I wanted to relax in a nice warm bath when I started to feel sick, so I took the Dexcom off.  I have been testing my sugar more often though, and I haven’t been able to get it below 200 since I started feeling sick.

I have also been extremely tired lately.  And since I write most of my blog posts at night, I am getting extremely tired in the middle of this post.  More later on being sick.