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Weight Loss Reality Check

I finally re-scheduled my endo appointment for the middle of March and of course, once again, I am nowhere near the weight loss goal that we had set at my last visit.  And to make things worse right now, I re-injured my knee and can’t really do any physical activity because I am afraid that I am going to tear my ACL again.  I will be making an appointment with an orthopedic doctor and hopefully there isn’t anything wrong and I will be able to get back to exercising like I was before.  I can’t jog, and I can’t even go for a nightly walk anymore because it hurts too much to even walk a long distance, hell, a short distance at that.  My only option right now is to just do sit ups and push ups at home and at least get some sort of exercise in.  I might try to ride the bike a little bit, but pretty sure that is going to cause pain as well.  My brother mentioned this to me, and I think he is 100% correct, my body is not used to dealing with this amount of weight, and I am at the highest weight level of my life, and my bad knee just can’t handle the weight and it’s due to happen some time soon until the weight is gone.

At times I really feel like an addict, like a fat addict.  I always tell myself, “I can easily lose 15-20 pounds when I want to, I just have to get serious about it, so I’ll just eat this fast food and work it off when I decide to start”.  These are the sort of things that I hear on Intervention or these other addiction shows.  It is sad, but yet, I don’t do anything about it.  Go ahead and search my blog, I have probably written nearly 50 posts about how I’m going to lose weight, but yet I still weight more than I ever did, and I don’t fit into half of the clothes that I own.

All that, and I haven’t even mentioned the affect it is having on my diabetes. Over the last year, I have probably had the worst blood sugars that I have had since I’ve been diabetic.  I know this, yet I haven’t done much to change it.  The last month, however has been a lot better, been able to keep them under 200’s a lot more frequently then before.  I read blogs and tweets about people being upset or cursing out diabetes when they see 180 on their meter or CGM.  I’m like…. WTF, when I see 180, I am happy, I’m happy that it is below 200.  What does this mean?  Does this mean that I have accepted high blood sugars, or that I am settling myself to levels that are not healthy and I should not be accepting of those numbers?

I’m not sure, all I know, is that this is a reality check.  Cleaning out a closet of clothes in which 80% of the pants and shorts that are in there do not fit anymore is embarrassing.  I will not be beat by all of this.  I will succeed, and I will prevail.

Diabetes in December

Another month has come and gone and now we are in the finally month of the year. Are you serious??!!?? It seems like just yesterday that I was writing a post outlining my goals for 2010. Well I can tell you one thing now, I did not reach those goals. The year is not over so I still have a month to try and accomplish some of them, but I defimitely wont be meeting them all. One of my main goals of the year was losing weight and I have not done a good job at that. I have been spinning at home, but after just two days of doing it, my ass hurts so bad from the seat, so I have to buy something comfortable or else I can’t make it more than 5 minutes on the bike.

I had to get blood work done this morning for my doctors appointment on Friday. This is the big test of the year where I get pretty much everything tested, so that means lots of blood. I know that the results are not going to be good, but all I can do is try and make them better next time. I’ve already cut back on my insulin intake which means that I am eating less.

So here is to another month and the ending of a year. Stay strong in December and carry it through to the new year.

Take care everyone

Week 5 of Dieting

Week 5 of my dieting and it has to get back to serious this week after the week of bad eating that I just had last week.  Last week’s eating was well worth it and I planned that type of eating into the diet because it was Thanksgiving, duh!  It just sounds weird that I am saying week 5 and it’s still November, ha.  I did not eat as bad as what I thought I would though, so I am proud of myself for that.  I only went to 1 or 2 of the eateries that I usually go to.  And when I did go to those places, I only ate half of what I usually would have eaten.

I am still riding the bike and doing my push-ups and situps every morning and I can definitely tell a difference in my body, even if it doesn’t show it on the scale and that is more important to me.  I feel and look thinner and that is a large step because it shows that I am not just doing this all for no reason at all.  There are times when I am dieting that I just see no results and I get discouraged and decide to stop dieting and just say screw it.

I am not going to be doing that this time around.  If I can still be down 5 pounds by the end of the month then I will be happy. Then another 5 by december and I will be even happier.  Of course I would like to lose more, but that is my minimum goal to know that what I am doing is working.  I am already feeling stressed today because I am back to work after a short vacation and I already feel that I don’t want to cook dinner and that I just want to go to a fast food joint.

Well, the month is almost over, but the day is just beginning so I need to stop blogging and get to work. Have a great week everyone.

Week 4 of diet

Well here it is the fourth week of my new form of diet and exercise. It is getting better. I am losing some weight, I’m down about 5 pounds so far.  I know that I am going to be putting on some weight later on this week because of the holidays and traveling home.  It’s not even going to be the Thanksgiving dinner that is going to make me put on some weight, it is going to be all the local places that I only get to eat at a few times a year, that I used to eat at once a week when I still lived up north.

I also know that I am not going to exercise at all while I am up there because I will be in that vacation mode.  No big worries though because I will be exercising like an animal once I do get back because if I haven’t shown any improvement before December 3, which is my next endo appointment, then my doc is most likely going to put me on Symlin.  She has discussed it with me several times and I keep saying that I will lose weight by myself and I don’t need any help, but I haven’t been able to keep any weight off.

Well, this week is going to be incredibly busy and I don’t have too much time to do anything at all, so I have to get going and start packing.

Office Thanksgiving Pot Luck

Ohhh man. Today was the office potluck lunch for Thanksgiving and I thought at first it was going to be bad news because i am trying to eat healthy until Thanksgiving actually comes. Luckily by the time that i got up ther to eat there was not a lot of food left so i did not each much. Potlucks are always difficult because you have people like me thAt are diabetic then you have vegetarians, or vegans, or those that have a gluten free diet, or allergies. I don’t really care too much because if i want to eat something then i will eat it and just take insulin for it.

This is a short post because I have a lot of stuff to get done tonight. But what is your signature pot luck dish?

Is is some sort of diabetes friendly dish or a sugar free dessert?

Have a good weekend.

Easier Exercise Plan

A new diet and goal planning was in dire need because I was not meeting any of my goals for dieting and weight loss so it was very disappointing. My new plan will start right away and it will make my goals a little easier to obtain which will eventually get me to my long term goals.

My new way of dieting is very simple. Eat a high fiber breakfast bar, salad for lunch, and some type of meat for dinner with a green veggie and rice. I will treat myself to a little snack at night, Frosted Flakes. This is my motivation to get myself to eat healthy during the day. This is easier for me to do as opposed to writing down everything that I eat and counting my calories because I know that I won’t do that on a daily basis.

For my exercise I have come to the conclusion that I will not have the motivation to go to the gym every day. Just in case that at night I don’t feel like going to the gym, I will be doing 10 push-ups and 10 sit ups every morning as soon as I wake up. Everyday I will add one additional push up and sit-up.

This is not as intense and doesn’t take as much of an effort so I feel that I will do a lot better with it. My goal is to lose 3-5 pounds a week for the first 3 weeks just because there is so much excessive fat that it can be burned so quickly, then a steady 1-2 pounds a week thereafter until I lose 60 pounds. Little goals add up to big goals. Living with type 1 diabetes is just an excuse to not lose weight, it’s more of a must to do it. Especially since I want to go on the OmniPod.

Too Fat for OmniPod

It’s been three straight days going to the gym now, and I feel great.  For the first Monday morning in I don’t know how long, that I weighed myself Friday morning, and then again Monday morning, and I weighed less than I did on Friday.  It was very exciting to see that on the scale.  Basically, I made a decision after having to explain something to my girlfriend that made me realize, ok you need to get serious.  This is what happened.

Amanda recently was hired as a fourth grade teacher and had to go to some training on Saturday and when she was there one of the girls she met and went to lunch with pulled out a meter and tested herself.  Amanda asked if she wore a pump because she didn’t see anything and the girl explained that she wore an Omnipod and Dexcom.  Amanda then asked me, “Why don’t you get the Omnipod, it seems so much better.”  My answer, which was the last reason I needed to lose weight was, “Basically, I’m too overweight, and I eat too much and I use too much insulin, so I would be changing it out every single day.”  I go through the 3.0 (or whatever the exact number is) reservoir for the MM Paradigm every 1 1/2 days.

By the way, I am still collecting requests for free website upgrades, re-designs, blog setups, etc. for a contribution for Diabetes Month. Contact me today with your requests.

Have a great day.

Excuses Are Like….

Today was one of those reality check days for me.  It wasn’t a bad day, but it was a day that consisted of a lot of thinking about some serious issues and concerns in my life.  The two main were wealth and health, and there is about 5 variations to each of those, but I’m not going to get into all of them here.  First up is my health, because that obviously comes first.  My blood sugars have not been very good over the last several months and there are two main reasons for that.  Lack of exercise (what a surprise) and overeating (what a surprise as well).  If you have been reading this blog for a while you are probably thinking, we hear this same shit over and over Chris.  Well ya know what, you are 100% correct and I hear it from myself all the time to and I am just sick and tired of hearing it, saying it, using it as an excuse, and typing it.

There are no excuses for the way that I have been treating my health, as there is nothing wrong and doing whatever I want.  The buck stops here (no pun intended for my northern readers that are out enjoying the beginning of bow hunting season).  I have literally thrown out everything in my house that is not good for me.  I know it is a waste of money, but I don’t even care anymore about that.  If it’s not good for me, I am not going to buy it or put it in my house.  I kept some sugary stuff for low bg’s, but the “healthier” things such as orange juice, other types of juices and of course some Skittles (those will NEVER go away).

I am also trying to save some money for some important things in life, wedding, house, and most importantly a mother-effing boat!  In order to save this money, I have to cut out a lot of extra spending which is pretty much eating out several nights a week which leads to the over eating and then also leads to the lack of exercise because by the time I get home from eating out, I don’t feel like going to the gym anymore.

I have plenty of motivation to do all of these things that I want to do, but I just haven’t turned the motivation into action yet.  Tonight I have.  I am blogging for the only the second time in almost 2-3 months, I am going to the gym, I’m not eating out, and I am eating healthier then I usually would.  I said this same thing two weeks ago and it only lasted two days, but this time I know it is different, I feel like I’m Lindsay Lohan and going to rehab only to get arrested 2 days later.

New Condo, New Start

I recently moved into a new condo and now I finally have everything moved in and set up the way that I want and am sleeping here every night.  Every time that you move it gives you a new start and a chance to get into better habits.  These habits can be anything from a better cleaning schedule, making the bed, better organized, better diet, work harder, and these are everything that I am trying to do.

The fridge is filled with healthy food only.  If there isn’t bad food in here, then there is no urge to eat at late at night.  The only urge that I really get is to have a bowl or two of Frosted Flakes at night for a snack.  Since moving in, I have been extremely motivated.  I have completed more work at home than I have in about 3 months I think.  I am eating a lot healthier.  My meals still aren’t as healthy as they can be, but I am only eating one serving, so I will start losing weight just by cutting back the 2-3 servings I usually eat.

I had a real rude awakening the other day that I went to the grocery store.  I never step on those scales at the store, but I was like, screw it I haven’t weighed myself in a couple months and my eating habits had been out of control.  As much as I don’t want to share this number I will….that scale said 267!  In 2004 before I was diagnosed I weighed 205, after losing the weight because of being sick for 3 months my weight went down to 175.  So, that is over 60 pounds gained in 6 years, not very good.

I don’t think that the Publix scale was very accurate because just yesterday, which was about 3-4 days after the Publix encounter, my scale said 244.  So unless I lost 23 pounds in 3-4 days, one of these scales is wrong. The picture says it all.

Vacation Over Means Back to Blogging

What is this thing called a WordPress dashboard that I just logged into?  Luckily my password was saved in Firefox or I may have not remembered what the password was.  Hello everybody again.  It has been a while since my last blog post and that was a decision that I made several weeks ago.  I was beginning to spread myself too thin between a million different projects that I had going on, plus my personal life was very busy as well.  I just got back from a nice trip back north and have some good things to talk about.

First, I had decided to go to the 140 Conference in New York, so since I was going up there I may as well make a trip out of it and visit family.  I flew into Allentown on Saturday and spent 2 days in PA with my family before taking the bus up to NYC for a few days.  NYC was awesome!  I have been there before, but only stayed over night there one time.  This was Amanda’s second time in NYC and first time staying over night, so she was beyond excited.  I think the million photos and over 20 minutes of Flip cam video we have proves that.  I just finished editing the video last night to make a 15 minute movie, so I will cut down some of that into clips and post online soon.

I went to NYC with only 3 testing strips, more on that in tomorrow’s post.  On Wednesday, we took a bus back home and it was more time with the family until this past Saturday when we had to fly back home.  Anytime I go up north and see family, it really puts things into a totally different perspective for me.  Down here in Florida I am constantly on the go, whether it is writing 5 blog posts right after each other, then jumping into Photoshop, then heading to Starbucks for a meeting, then desiging a new web page and before you know it, it’s 2:00 a.m.  Up there, everything slows down.  I only check mail a few times throughout the day on my phone, if it’s not an emergency, then it can wait.  Seeing my 5-month old niece for only the 2nd time since she was born is a bittersweet moment as well.  It’s great to see her, but also realize how much you miss by living down here.

Then comes the diabetes part.  Every family member that I visit is asking me about my diabetes and sometimes I wish I just had a recorder to give the same answer to everybody.  But all in all, it is good to be back, mainly because I don’t receive paychecks up north, ha.  And I’m back to getting up at 7 and starting my new diet (going to beach in July with parents and brother’s family, so I can’t weigh more than my brother!).

Have a great Monday everybody and I look forward to talking with you all on Twitter again.