This weekend really turned into a busy one. I had hoped that I would be able to relax a little bit, but that did not happen. Friday started out with the Fired Up Friday post about the cost of diabetes testing strips. That sparked a great conversation on Twitter with Allison from Lemonade Life. This is exactly why I write those posts on Friday because I want to hear other people’s feedback, because just because I feel a certain way about something now, I may not have all the appropriate information I need to have that feeling. In this situation, I took one road; the direct no beat around the bush approach instead of the nice friendly approach. I did not attend the Roche meeting last year, but I do know what happened there, and I think the reason it happened the way it did was because nobody on the manufacturer side wants to discuss it or talk about it in an open forum. Enough on that for now, you will hear more about it later as there has been a local advocacy program here that will be trying to grow soon in regards to that situation.
Friday night was spent working on a client project, all night. When I say all night I mean from 5:00 p.m. to 2 a.m. pretty much non-stop. I took one 20 minute break to eat and that was about it. I’m not complaining about it trust me. I love what I do for a living and wouldn’t choose anything else to do. I learn, have fun, and get paid, how much better is that? I wanted to stay up late Friday to get all the work done so I could relax the rest of the weekend. Well, that didn’t happen.
On Saturday, it was shopping day with Amanda. I really don’t mind these shopping days because it’s pretty much a given that if I take her shopping, then I get to eat mall food court Chinese food which is probably the greatest food in the world. We were on somewhat of a time limit, which she hates when we go shopping. We both had to work at 6:00 at a fitness center. Quick side note. Since I coached football in the summer, I’ve been asked to help out at a fitness center to help with kids birthday parties and play different sports with them and keep them having fun. So, Amanda and I worked the party together, first time I ever worked with her before, so it was a little awkward at first. She is a teacher now, well substitute since she just graduated recently, but she will probably be “working” for me soon as I will be hiring an assistant, but once again, another post about that another day.
So Saturday night after I got home from working, I was so exhausted, it was about 11:30 p.m. I did a little more work until my body pretty much just shut down on me. While working, I didn’t test my sugar at all. I tested in the car before I went in and it was 185, but I left the meter in the car. I felt fine throughout the whole thing and I knew that my sugar wouldn’t be going up because I was playing basketball and running around and sweating. I didn’t really drink any water the whole night either, so I was feeling thirsty, but I knew it wasn’t from a high blood sugar.
Sunday was a long day of hockey and doing work. My blood sugars were good pretty much all day. Well, when I say good, I don’t mean good as related to how they have been lately. So, the levels were about 160-170. I can’t believe that is already March. Today starts my free membership at LA Fitness, so I will let you all know how that goes.
Time to get working on some more fun stuff. Have a great day everybody.