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Caring Diabetic Online Community

Over the last few days, even months if we go back a little further, it has really dawned on me how caring and how awesome the diabetic online community is.  I have been dealing with an issue with CVS pharmacy this past week and so many of you on Twitter and commenting on my blog were really helpful and gave some great advice.  The advice was great, but what was even more awesome was how willing everybody was to send me strips because I was in a bad situation with not having any.  Several people sent me e-mails and asked if I needed them to send me strips.  You know who are you for those that did.

I am part of a few other online communities and we help each other with information about how to do something in WordPress or some new social media tips or affiliate tax information, but I haven’t had anybody ever ask me if I needed them to send me testing strips or something else to help me manage my diabetes or my business, anything.

I just want to take this time quickly and say thank you.  Thank you to all of you.  And that is it.
