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Review From Doctor’s Visit Last Friday, To Symlin or To Not Symlin

Friday brought me another doctors visit. Let’s go through the checklist for the visit.

Insurance card, ID, meter, pump, clean socks, clean feet, food log, reasons for why I didn’t wear my cgm all month long.

Ok I have everything I need so now I can go to the visit, let’s check my sugar one more tome before we go. Ut-oh I ran out of strips. Once again I don’t have an extra box at work or in my laptop bag.  Going into the visit, I wanted to accomplish a few things.  They were to get my basal rates at right levels, get my morning sugars lower, figure out a better diet plan, learn more about temp basals and square wave boluses.

To start the visit off, I had weight a few pounds lighter than the last visit, even though that scale is way off.  Next came time for the blood pressure, not so good, it was 140-80.  I don’t know why it was so high.  I have been a little stressed lately with less sleep and some things going on at work.  Once the doctor came in the very first thing we discussed was why I didn’t have a lot of readings from the CGM.  So good thing I prepared for that one.  But I told her straight out that I just didn’t wear it as often as I should.  Then we started to look at the levels from the meter.  At previous visits, I had brought in 3 or 4 different meters and gave them the readings from those because I used different meters at different places.  That was one of the things from last visit I tried to stop and attempted to use the same meter almost every time, and I was pretty successful at doing so.

Now it was time to take a look at the bolus readings from the pump.  There were a lot of 25 unit (max) boluses without even having a blood sugar reading.  She did not like that very much.  The reason for those is when I know I am eating bad, and I don’t test before I eat, I just take 25 units, then will test later and correct from there.  Usually because I know I am eating enough carbs to cover that 25, which at my ratio, 5:1, that is at least 125 carbs in one meal, not too good.  There was even one in there just from last week that was two different 25 unit boluses within an hour of each other, (Olive Garden visit).

The last part of the visit was doc and I discussing the possibility of using Symlin.  The reason being is because she wants me to lose weight and she thinks just by my eating habits that I am not going to be able to do that.  This was brought to my attention with my previous doctor as well, and I had decided to throw the sample away and lose the weight myself.  Pretty much the same result this time.  I told my doctor that I want to attempt to lose the weight myself and by the next month if I don’t lose weight, then I will go on the Symlin.  I really don’t want to do that, but if I have to then I will.

Which leads to me to my question of the day.  How many people out there are currently or have previously used Symlin?  How did it make you feel?  Did it make you lose weight?  Was feeling like crap worth the weight loss?  Please let me know your experiences with Symlin.

3 thoughts to “Review From Doctor’s Visit Last Friday, To Symlin or To Not Symlin”

  1. I am going to keep an eye on these comments because I want to know peoples experiences with it too.

    I also have a lot of Max boluses. This makes me feel like I am not alone. Thanks!

  2. Oh man, you guys are just like me too. Whew!

    I do like the symlin. It is something that takes a little getting used to, and it is a little weird, but I think it definitely helps me.

    I’ve written a bit about it on my blog, and some on my old blog ( I know that Bernard Farrell has some really great stuff on it at his blog too ( I learned much of my stuff from Bernard, so definitely go check him out.

    I was eating less, for sure, but it wasn’t like a magic weight loss bullet. I also wasn’t using it super consistently, which didn’t help matters.

    1. Scott – thank you so much for the information about Bernard’s blog. I read quite frequently so I will have to refresh myself with some of the older posts. That is one question that I had, how much weight will it make me lose and how fast? I’m doing better on my own right now, I’m down a few pounds since last visit which was last week of August. I just need to get past the “My diet starts on Monday, and ends Monday night at dinner time”

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