I know that I said I was going to start blogging again however that obviously didn’t happen. I had all the intentions to start writing about my life, and now also my daughter’s life with diabetes, but I just couldn’t find the time or the passion to want to continue to do it.
But as I’m sitting here in quarantine like the rest of the country I really started thinking about it and I wanted to start writing again. I would love to write about sports however there are not many sports related items going on. So I thought about why not just share the last year of my life as someone living with type one diabetes and also being the caregiver of my daughter who also has type one diabetes.
So much has been happening, and I’ve also been learning a ton over the last year. After living with type one diabetes for 15 years before my daughter was diagnosed I started to get set in my own ways and just continue on with bad habits. Since her diagnosis it really took me back to square one and the basics of diabetes, carb counting, correction amounts, basal testing, etc.

I really was on cruise control for so long with my own management that a lot of times I just would not count carbs, I could just look at a slice of pizza no it was either 20 g or 25 or maybe 30 g.
Or because I eat so unhealthy majority of the time, I will just take a max bolus from my pump and correct afterwards. After her diagnosis that was much more of a lazy way to do things, I finally realized.
My wife has become a master carb counter and diabetes manager, so much to the point that now I just ask her how many carbs I’m eating and she can easily and quickly calculate it for me.
Obviously life has been a huge challenge and a much different pace, since my daughter’s diagnosis, but we have managed and we have found the silver linings in all of it. She recently just made it to her one year diaversary, which we celebrated with a cupcake.
I know I just said this recently but I really am going to start sharing our story and our experiences from the last 12 months of her living with diabetes.
So I hope you come back I promise you that I will continue to write.
Until next time …..