Ever since my diagnosis in 2004, one of the biggest issues that I’ve had in my diabetes management are spikes in my blood glucose levels after meals. Because of this, snacking in-between meals has always been difficult. The primary reason of why it’s been difficult is because, even though I need a snack, I’m trying to bring my blood glucose levels down, so a snack may just keep them spiked (if it’s not a typical low-carb snack, which sometimes I want something other than low-carb).
I have tried so many different granola bars, fruit bars, nuts, this, that and everything else in the middle, and I just couldn’t seem to find something that worked great for me.
Then I found NuGo Slim.

So, here is exactly what I was looking for. Something high in protein and fiber and low in carbs.
Here is some information from NuGo about their healthy protein bars:
NuGo is the only company to make REAL Dark Chocolate coated protein bars for many lifestyles. NuGo’s REAL Dark Chocolate melts in your mouth, releasing a luscious flavor. Other ‘dark chocolate’ protein bars substitute unhealthy palm kernel oil for the natural cocoa butter, raising the melt point above body temp, making it waxy and too sweet.
NuGo Slim contains 16-18g protein, 5-6 grams net carbs, and has a tested and verified very low glycemic index of 24-29 to help avoid blood sugar spikes. These gluten-free, low sugar bars are sweetened with luscious real dark chocolate and chicory root fiber without using maltitol or artificial sweeteners. Four flavors are vegan and Kosher Pareve: Crunchy Peanut Butter, Espresso, Toasted Coconut, and Chocolate Mint. http://www.nugonutrition.com/products/slim/
Read and sign the petition created on change.org by NuGo Nutrition to create a FDA standard for dark chocolate.https://www.change.org/petitions/dark-chocolate-food-labeling-tell-the-fda-to-stop-the-deception
So, why am I so bullish on these NuGo Slim bars? Simple.
Steady Blood Sugar Levels
They help me when I need a snack and and most importantly, there’s no blood sugar spikes and they help maintain a steady blood sugar. Here are a couple of Dexcom screenshots to show my blood sugar graphs before and after eating NuGo Slim.

Here is a Dexcom screenshot from when I don’t eat a Low Glycemic index snack or foods. You can see the crazy spikes which then lead to a rapid decline which just makes my body feel like absolute crap!

Flavors of NuGo Slim Bars
So far, I’ve had a few different flavors:
Other Flavors Include
COUPON CODE – USE CODE “DIABETES” for 15% off NuGo Slim through June 30, 2019
Low Glycemic Index
As you know, I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. I also do not claim to fully understand how the body works and how exactly the glycemic index works, but I do know the basics. For example, foods with low glycemic index have much less of an effect on blood sugar levels, especially post meal spikes.
NuGo Slim bars have a low glycemic index of 24-29, verified by GI Labs of Toronto.

When I decided to sample and try these products, I wanted to wait until a time where my blood sugar was not jumping all around, up and down, so that I could get a good gauge on what the bar would actually do. As you saw in the Dexcom screen grabs above, my blood sugar did not spike after eating.
Why is that?
Chicory Root Fiber
NuGo Slim bars use a Chicory Root Fiber, which according to the NuGo website;
Has virtually no effect on blood sugar levels because it doesn’t absorb or digest until it reached the large intestine.

Another important reason as to why I have enjoyed the NuGo Slim bars is because I am NOT a fan of sugar substitutes. I try to eliminate any forms of sorbitol, maltitol, or anything else. The sugar substitutes are typically used to help avoid a blood sugar spike, but there are a plethora of other negatives about using them.
Energy, Energy, Energy
I am awake about 18-19 hours a day. I am working on getting a better amount of sleep, but currently, that’s just where my life is at. During these times between meals where I need a snack, I tend to get a bit low on energy as well. That is another reason why I’m loving these bars. With about 16-18g of protein in each bar, they help sustain your energy, and I sure need that!
If you are looking for an in-between meal snack, a protein bar for breakfast, maybe before or after a gym workout, then I highly recommend the NuGo Slim bars.
Where to Buy NuGo – NuGo Store Locator – Find NuGo Nutrition
Find out where you can pick up NuGo protein bars at a location near you! NuGo Nutrition makes the finest, healthiest, most delicious protein bars and snacks available.
are all the bars dark chocolate? Don’t like dark chocolate
Judy – here is a response from NuGo themselves.
“All seven flavors in the diabetes-friendly NuGo Slim line are coated in Real Dark Chocolate. NuGo does make many product lines for different lifestyles. Some flavors don’t use chocolate, like NuGo Vanilla Yogurt.”
Super cool. I may try them out.
Definitely give them a try. Let me know if you order them so I can tell them you did 🙂
Thank you