Currently I am watching this Hoarding: Buried Alive show, and I am seeing myself in this a lot, in many different ways. One, I hate to throw things away and get rid of things, I like to hang onto things. The other part is that the hoarders are constantly making excuses. I am a diabetes Hoarder. I hoard bad blood sugars and bad habits.
Unless I make drastic changes, then I am going to continue to collect these bad things and all the bad things that go along with all the bad diabetes related things, which I don’t think I need to tell you all what those things are.
I have been getting so much support from all of you in the diabetes community and I thank you all so much, because it means a lot. It shows me that I can do these things because you are all doing it. It’s almost a jealousy thing, I’m jealous when I see you all showing your Dexcom numbers and when it’s 180 you are like, OMG I can’t believe I went up that high.
I have been eating a lot better so far this week, I know it’s only Wednesday, but still. For dessert tonight I am having some strawberries and kiwi. As opposed to ice cream with a lot of sprinkles and syrup and whipped cream.
Well, I’m off to eat this and then relax and go to bed. Have a great night everybody.