Last week I was asked what my average blood sugar was and I could not give a good answer. I thought, hmm I can look in my pump, but wait, I don’t always input my sugars into there. So then, maybe I can look at my meter, but oh yea, I use about 4 different meters so those averages would not be accurate. Finally, I thought I can look in my logbook, but unfortunately it hasn’t been touched in about 3 years. I’ve made plenty attempts to use an excel sheet but then I started just writing numbers all over the place and never in the right place. I decided to start using a logbook again.
Right now I am just using the Bayer one that came with the Didget meter. I am going to take it old school for about a month and write down every sugar, the time, and how many carbs with how many units of insulin that I am taking. I had put a question out on Twitter to see how many of you still used a pen and pencil logbook and some of the answers I received were expected, “What is pen and paper?”. Even though I am an internet marketing guy, pen and paper to me still use what works best. Eventually I will probably switch over to using the iPhone to record all of my sugars, but I’m not to that point yet.
Logging my blood sugars is something that I haven’t been very good at doing since I was diagnosed. I recorded every single blood sugar for about a year, but then I became too comfortable with my diabetes and didn’t do it as well. I thought, what’s the point of recording them, if I can keep good numbers it doesn’t make a difference. Or I can just upload the results to the computer, but then I started using multiple meters and couldn’t get a good, accurate average.
I am also going back to testing 10 times a day and knowing what is going on with my blood sugars at all times. I have about 6-7 CGM sensors left that expired a few months ago, but I am going to give them a shot anyway and see how accurate they are. To end this post, I am going to ask for your help and just answer a few questions in the comments:
- What logbook do you use?
- What app on iPhone do you use?
- What computer software do you use to log blood sugars?
- Do you log food info along with blood sugars?
I appreciate your help with this.
My son is a T1D, and we use GlucoseBuddy for the iTouch. I like that I can sync it to the web, so even if I forget where I put his logs, the internet always has a copy!