Today was my first day at the gym without using my insulin pump. There have been plenty of times where I removed my insulin pump while I worked out, but this was the first time while being back on MDI. My first thought was, damn this feels great to not have my pump in my pocket or bouncing around while I am running or riding the bike. I was also a bit nervous about it.
I am using my Dexcom along with MDI, so I feel a lot more comfortable on MDI this time around then I did 8 years ago…. I was also only diagnosed 9 months before that, so everything about diabetes was weird and uncomfortable at that time. Going into the gym, my Dexcom was telling me I was about 135 and the One Touch Mini was giving me a 150, not too far off, at least for me. Being at 150, I felt comfortable not needing to eat a granola bar or any other type of snack before I hit the gym, because I knew that I had my glucose tabs with me…… or at least I thought I did.
I always keep an emergency tube of glucose tabs in my car, but I forgot that I took them out because they were looking, well not so good, after sitting in a car for months in the south Florida heat. I knew I was going to be staring at my Dexcom and putting my faith in it’s accuracy while I was working out.
Dexcom read above 120-130 the entire time and I didn’t “feel” like I was getting low, so I felt pretty uncomfortable continuing my workout.
First day at gym without the pump was a lot more fun than with the pump. That’s a win for the MDI.
The MDI adventure will continue on.