Diabetes is at a disadvantage and there is one large reason why. Bad information! How many times do you hear people talk about diabetes cures and just lose weight and you will lose your diabetes. How about you stop breathing and you won’t lose your life? There were some tweets the other day from some “askdroz” or something of that sort that really pissed me off, and I know it was pissing off a lot of you as well. Do I think it was anybody that had something to do with Dr. Oz, no I don’t. I think it was one of those people that just create a fake twitter handle and act like a celebrity, by the way, those people should get a life!
But this information is being spread, and there is a lot of bad information out there. So from now on, if you hear or see any bad information about diabetes, do not hesitate to correct that person. Even if it is the CEO of your company, tell them the truth about diabetes.
Enough said, have a great day!