I’ve been wearing a Dexcom and using MDI now for about 4 months now. I am already starting to feel the site rotation woes of using MDI and a Dexcom.
I currently have been wearing my Dexcom in the same two spots, just switching back and forth every 8 days or so. That location is just under my breast area. It sticks and stays for the full length and I’ve only had one fall off before the actual 7 days.
I haven’t attempted the back of the arm location for the Dexcom yet for two reasons. One, I haven’t felt comfortable trying to do it myself yet. Two, I use that area for insulin injections a lot.
A lot, a lot.

MDI Rotation
That’s now causing a problem for insulin pen injection rotations as well. I usually switch between my arms and my thighs, but lately I’ve been having a lot of issues injecting insulin into my thighs.
I don’t typically use my stomach, because I feel like it’s just not effective there. Especially since I haven’t been to the gym since I moved almost two months ago. I’ve also gained more weight, so that’s not helping the stomach issue either.
Dexcom in the Leg?
I only tried to insert a Dexcom sensor into my thigh one time and it bleed bad, really bad, so I haven’t had the guts to try it again.
Does anyone wear their Dexcom sensor on their thigh? How about on the side of their leg near the hamstring area? I would try wearing it on my lower back, but I’m not sure how that would feel all day long working in a chair.
Also, I’m not quite sure that my wife is ready to insert a Dexcom sensor for me either.
When I have these sensor site rotation issues, the same thing happens every time.
I just decide to skip wearing the Dexcom altogether and go without a CGM. Going without a CGM does not make my wife happy.
Happy wife, happy life.
So, I need to figure this site rotation thing out.
Stomach Placement for Dexcom
I haven’t used the Dexcom on my stomach because of all the rolls on my stomach, so I’m afraid it will just fall right off. I guess the tape that I use will really be put to the test if I try and put the sensor on my stomach finally.
If you wear on your leg, please let me know how that has worked for you…front or back. If you have a lot of fat and rolls on your stomach and have successfully worn on your stomach, please let me know that too.
Chris, The leg works but, you have to be really careful when pulling up pants. I have ripped so many of those leg things off, I could almost open a supply business.
I love my arm for my CGM’s Dexcom when I used them and Medtronic now. My advice is to switch injections to your abdomen and do the CGM on the Arm. There are several examples of how to do it but if you give it a good try you will love it.
Rick – thanks, as always, for your insights. I haven’t had the guts to try the arm site yet. I’ve seen a lot of different videos, but just haven’t done it yet. I have issues with injection insulin into my stomach. It is nowhere near as effective. I’m still working on losing that weight in order to make it more effective.