This weekend is going to be filled with a lot of cleaning. Taking down all the Christmas decorations and then trying to pack away all the new Christmas things we bought after Christmas is going to be lots of fun. Why? Because I have nowhere to store any of this crap. I decided that there is some room in my storage area that is currently filled with clothes that I fit into 2 years ago, that I have been holding on to waiting to fit back into them. Guess what? Those clothes are going away.
It’s time for me to clean out my closet. I have been saying for two years that I am going to fit back into these clothes, and I just haven’t been able to do it. Then I started to think, if I do lose enough weight to get back to that size, then I am going to reward myself with buying brand new clothes. I have probably close to 10 pairs of shorts, 20 shirts and several pair of jeans. I’ll pass some of them along to Amanda’s brothers or my father, and then the rest of it will go to Goodwill stores.
Sometimes you just have to cut your ties with things and move on to better things.
I’ll let you know next week if I actually got rid of all this stuff.