As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, Sunday was just very blah. Even after I posted the blog, it didn’t get much better. My blood sugar hit a high of 465, right before I was to go to dinner. I took almost a 17 unit correction and knew I wouldn’t be eating for about another 30-45 minutes. Everybody ordered pizza, but I knew that I obviously couldn’t eat that with a high blood sugar, so I opted out for a Greek salad. Luckily, the waitress forgot to put my order in and my salad came out 10 minutes after everybody else was eating. This gave my sugar more time to come down, which it came down to 285 before I ate. It just felt like crap sitting there not being able to eat the pizza because my sugar was so high. But this is that’s what goes on sometimes when you’re living a life with diabetes.
The salad was good for my diet however, so that was one good thing. One of the in-laws had asked me, why I was eating salad, was it better for my diabetic diet? I said, well I’m just on a general diet, nothing special because I am diabetic, I have insulin to take if I eat bad things. After having a short conversation, I said why don’t you read my diabetes blog on a daily basis, because you can learn a lot about diabetes from it, and from reading one of the other diabetes blogs. Hopefully you all see your reader base go up by one
Because of the high blood sugars yesterday, I decided to take a break from my BBQ sauce that I have fell in love with over the past several weeks. I figured that it would be a good idea to keep that high fructose corn syrup out of my diet for a while. Somebody sent me an e-mail after I wrote that post about their sauce being the only one approved by the ADA, I’d love to try it, if you are out there listening.
Well it is a Monday, so I should probably start working on some projects that I probably slacked off on over the weekend. I’d so much rather be doing this again (see picture on left, Par 5, second shot)