Wow, what a spectacular Sunday Morning. I am not able to sleep past 9 a.m. ever. My body has just become so trained, that I can’t sleep in past then. When I was just a few years younger, I was still able to sleep in late on the weekends, and then re-adjust my sleeping schedule back for the work week, not anymore. I feel like I am just wasting the day away. Plus, I live on a golf course now, so I don’t get to enjoy this view during the week because of how late I get home every night. Sitting out here writing a blog is one of the most amazing things that I get to do on the weekends. Enough of this side story, let’s get into what I really want to blog about today.
Since I moved, almost a month ago, I still don’t have all my things unpacked and situated. Which means that I don’t know where all of my meters are. I have my main one that I keep in my work bag, which comes home with me and that is the one that I try to use 99% of the time. However, that was left in the car overnight, so last night I had no meter to test. At about 11 p.m. I had to use the bathroom, then again at 12:30, and then again around 1:30. Hmm, sounds like my blood sugar is high to me. Since I couldn’t test, I took about 10 units of insulin (to you that may be a lot, but to me it’s not, my sensitivity level is 1 unit of inuslin per 11 “points” my bg is). After this, I continued to still wake up every hour or so to use the bathroom, so I took 10 more units again. I do not recommend doing this at all!. Finally, around 5-6 am this morning I took 10 more units. That was a total of 30 units over a 6-7 hour period. When I woke up this morning, my bg was 275. So even after all of that extra insulin, my bg was still high!
That means that today, I will find all of my meters and make sure that there is one right next to my bed so I don’t ever have to deal with a situation like this ever again. I know the consequences of this. What if my sugar wasn’t really high and I just had to use the bathroom, and I took 30 units over 6 hours and my bg crashed horrifically?
This will be the last time I do that. Time to go look at Sunday morning ads.
Have a great Sunday everybody.