Have you ever heard the phrase, “Achieving Failure”? I know, it sounds weird. The phrase can mean something different to everybody, but I am going to talk about what it means to me and how I feel about it. To me, it is very simple. When you set yourself up for failure, you are making it so much easier to achieve that failure. So it seems that the easy solution is to just not set yourself up for failure right? Sounds pretty easy, but it’s not. I’ve come up with a few ways that I have achieved failure with my diabetes and if I could just listen to my own advice, I think I can change that failure into a success.
Achieving High Blood Sugars
Of course this is something that you don’t want to “achieve”, but you don’t want to achieve any failures. I have been able to achieve this failure because, like I said, I set myself up for it. Deciding to eat fast food that is extremely high in fat and having a lot of carbs in it, not testing my sugar before I eat, not testing sugar after I eat, and not exercising. These all lead up to disaster blood sugar levels. So how do I set myself up for more success than failure with blood sugar levels? I think this is pretty easy, wear my Dexcom at all times. Of course changing the eating habits are going to help as well, but if I’m wearing the Dexcom, I can at least see the high blood sugars coming before they get too high.
Achieving Weight Gain
A lot of the same issues that go into the high blood sugars also affect the weight gain. The Dexcom is not going to help me with the weight gain, but cutting out the fatty foods and exercising more will help with the weight gain. So how am I able to st myself up for a more successful life and have better success at losing weight? Buying only healthy food and only having healthy food in my house. That currently is the case, but I still find ways to get unhealthy food into my system. So the next step is more will power, mental toughness if you will. Even if I don’t feel like eating what’s in the house, tough luck, I need to eat it. Giving myself a better opportunity to achieve success is what it is all about.
Achieving Unproductivity
I think that just about everyone has achieved this failure multiple times in their life. The unproductiveness that I am speaking about here is keeping up to date with the blog and interacting with other blogs and just keeping myself updated on what is going on in everyone’s life. This happens because I set myself up for it by not always putting dedicated time to the side for it. I run a business as well, so that takes up a lot more of my time than it once did, but it also provides me a lot more time (does that make sense?) Being productive within that time is the only way that I can continue to achieve success.
Achieving failure is typically a lot easier than achieving success. However, after reaching those failures, it is easier to reach the success afterwards, as long as you make the necessary changes. Well, I wish the best of success achievements to everybody out there. If you hit a failure, do not let it stop you. Learn from it, make changes, and turn it into a success.