I will be traveling over the next few days for Amanda’s birthday. I will be going to Cocoa Beach, FL and Cape Canaveral to go to Kennedy Space Center this weekend and then I will be driving back home and then driving back up to Orlando for the Roche Summit on Tuesday. So basically I am driving 3 hours north, then back home, wait a day, and then drive 3 hours north again. Kind of redundant, but Amanda has to work so I can’t just stay up there.
Since it is her birthday weekend, I will not be on Twitter or Facebook or blogging or anything. I disconnect myself, or at least try to as much as possible. So if you send an @reply to me or an e-mail, I probably won’t get back to you until Sunday night or Monday morning.
Have a great weekend everybody!
Happy safe travels, Chris. Looking forward to Roche and being able to say hello in person! Good weekend wishes your way, as well.