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Weekends Kill My Diets

If my weight loss and diet goals were based on only Monday – Friday, I would have probably hit my weight loss goal for the year.

But unfortunately, the weekend hits and all hell breaks loose.

Monday – Friday I am going for a walk every morning at 6 am and eating less than 75g of carbs a day, but on the weekends, the walks don’t happen and then I tend to eat about twice the amount of carbs and calories.

I’ve gone some weeks where I lost 5 pounds in a week and then put 3 back on over the weekend. The good thing is that I would still be down 2 net pounds, but could have been down 5 and a lot closer to my goal.

Unfortunately when this happens, my weight ends up being equal.

No matter how hard I try over the weekends, I just can’t help but eat more.

The biggest issue is because I eat out more during the weekend. I work so much during the week that when the weekend comes, we try and get out of the house and do as much as possible outside of the house, and then we end up eating out.

What I need to work on is eating healthy when I do eat out. But I feel like I’m wasting money eating a salad at a restaurant when almost the same price I can get a meal with a couple sides that also includes a salad.

It’s all about the discipline. How bad do I want to hit my weight loss goals?

That’s what it all comes down to.

Any tips?

Eating at home is not an easy solution because we are usually far away from home during lunch and dinner times.