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Cutler, McNabb – Two Diabetes Advocates

Anybody who has read this blog before has probably noticed a few things about me.  I’m diabetic, I’m originally from Philadelphia, and I love the Eagles more than just about anything.  Tonight they play Jay Cutler and Da Bears.  As you all know Cutler is diabetic.  A little less known fact is that Donovan McNabb is a huge diabetes advocate as well.  He runs a large diabetes children’s camp in Pennsylvania every year and puts a lot of money towards research.  So tonight’s game is meaningful in a lot of different ways.  McNabb and Cutler are good friends because of the diabetes link, plus they are both quarterbacks.  Obviously, I want the Eagles to win every game and would never cheer against them.  Cutler however, has the Touchdowns for Diabetes campaign going on with Eli Lilly.

Basically, every touchdown he throws money goes towards diabetes.  That sounds like a good idea to me, except that the way Jay has played this year, there may be a cure already if they gave money for every interception he’s thrown (he’s thrown the most in the NFL).  So, in tonight’s game I would love to see the Eagles shut the Bear’s out.  However, if they don’t, then I would want every touchdown to be a Cutler touchdown pass, no other forms of touchdowns.

I have called out Cutler before in my blog and I will again right now, but on a different level.  Relax and calm down Jay, play like you know how to play and get us some money for diabetes.

Diabetes Awareness Month, I am Challenging Jay Cutler’s People – Stand Up, Stand Together

In yesterday’s post I brought up the point of not always working together for the same goal.  I think that the way everybody is working together for IDF and World Diabetes Day is phenomenal.  In the month of November can we band together to do one more thing?  Can we work together to get a sport to support diabetes month?  Just like wearing pink for all the games, let’s wear the blue circle on the back of the helmets or on the arm of the jersey’s or on an NBA jersey.  I think this is a huge opportunity for awareness for diabetes.  But where do we start?

We all have a voice online now, so I say we all dedicate a blog post some time this week and Tweet about it all week until people start to listen.  If we can get one celebrity or a bigger voice than myself on board, I think it will be easy.  I know, let’s start with Jay Cutler.  I admire Jay Cutler, as a former quarterback myself, tremendously.  He may be too tough to get to, so how about Jay’s people.  My people can try and get in touch with his people.  Wait, I don’t have people, I have a blog and Twitter account and some other social media accounts.  So, if Jay Cutler’s people are listening, well reading now, I am challenging you.  I am challenging you to get the NFL to support Diabetes the way they support Breast Cancer awareness.

With November 1 coming up which marks the beginning of Diabetes Awareness month, it may be tough, but things happen a lot faster now with the tools that we all have.  By the way, November 1 is my birthday, sorry little side note.  It is also the day the Eagles play the Giants.  But back to the subject.  I know I am not the only one that believes in this and I know for a fact there’s others out there that are more passionate about it as I am, so work with me, let’s all work together.  Think of how big of an accomplishment this can be for diabetes.

Yesterday when JA Happ of the Phillies won the rookie of the year, he announced that the bonus money they receive for winning the award goes to a charity of their choice, he chose the Diabetes Research Institute.  He even talked about type 1 diabetes like he was an educator.  This is what we need, more people like JA Happ.  I would start with reaching out to him, but quite honestly, I want him focusing on sweeping the Yankees, sorry the Philly fan had to come out somewhere in here 🙂

Whether you are type 1, type 2, type whatever, a family member, a friend, a co-worker, if you have even just ever heard of the word diabetes, commit just one post this week, that’s it, just one short post about this and it can be a great start.  I thank you all in advance.