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Power Through the Extraordinary Part 3 – Health Insurance

This is another post in the Power Through the Extraordinary series.

Being an entrepreneur comes with its ups and downs, just like any profession does, but there are some added stress levels that occur quite too frequently. One of the main issues is, how and where do you get insurance as an entrepreneur, then add to that, when you have type 1 diabetes, it makes it even that much more difficult.

When I first started this venture of running my own business, it was more of a freelance gig, but with a company name for tax purposes, so there was no way that I was getting “company” insurance that way. Keep in mind, I am not married, but that is changing soon.

There was also a point and time where I was receiving COBRA benefits from my previous employer, but there was a really big mishap with that and I lost that coverage almost a year ago.  After that, it left me with no insurance and having to pay for everything out of pocket.  This is where the challenge came about.  As an entrepreneur, I could power through this issue of not having insurance and work harder and grow my business to be able to afford the high costs of living with diabetes.  That is the decision that I made and I knew that I was going to have to work hard to meet the financial levels I needed to.

This led to late nights, long stretches of work with no breaks, missing or skipping meals, forgetting boluses, not testing my sugar.not exercising, etc. I was no beginning to create another problem by trying to solve the initial problem.  I knew that something had to change.  That something was to schedule breaks, create mandatory exercise and meal times and to set a reminder to test my blood sugar.

I have been checking my sugar frequently with the Accu-Chek Nano provided to me to help me power through this obstacle that diabetes has put in my way.

** **Disclosure: By agreeing to participate in this program Duracell will provide me with batteries and Accu-Chek will provide me with test strips for a month. In return, I will post several times in the month of June about powering through several stressful moments.