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Please Help My Co Worker’s Cousin – Diagnosed at Age 7

I wrote last week how my company was nice enough to give my blog a shot out in the company newsletter that goes out every Friday. If people didn’t know I was diabetic, then they do now. It is great to hear so many people telling me that they were inspired by the blog and that they didn’t know these things about diabetes. I respond with thanks and thats why I do this.

Yesterday I was having a conversation with one of my co workers and diabetes got brought and she said, “My 7 year old cousin just found out he is diabetic 🙁 “. Of course there is going to be that sad face at first, but I know that we can all help turn that frown upside down and help out his family.

I asked her to share my blog and email with them so they can get introduced to the DOC and learn all the great information and support that is online. I am going to ask my co worker to share this post with her family so I would greatly appreciate if you could please leave some words of encouragement and share and have others leave comments as well. I want to make sure that they get all the infomation they need. I was diagnosed at 19 and I dont have a child with diabetes so I would appreciate if would leave comments.

Thanks again everybody.