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My Writing Process is Not So Much of a Process #HAWMC

Today’s prompt for #HAWMC is to write about our writing process. Well, if you read yesterday’s post, you probably noticed a few typos and errors. So, that shows you my writing process. As I mentioned, I type the way that I write. I do edit, but when I don’t follow my normal process of writing, that’s what happens…. errors.

So, here is my process for writing.

The process that I try to follow when writing is my perfect case scenario, which rarely happens. However, I try to find some time on the weekends in the mornings to just sit down somewhere relaxing with my iPad Pro and just write 3-4 post at a time. If I already have the topics and themes in my mind for these posts then I can write 5-6 at one sitting. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, I don’t have a specific topic so it takes me a bit longer to come up with ideas to write about.

Once I have these posts written, either in a Google Doc, Notes or in the WordPress app, I will upload as a draft to WordPress and give it a title and just leave it there and walk away. I will come back later that day or the next day with the next day’s cup of coffee and begin the editing process. During this editing process, I will also search the web for useful links to other posts or articles that I can link to for more information about a specific topic. Once that is done, I will optimize meta data and social meta in order to get the most reach out of the post and make it easily shareable (Hey, I own a digital marketing agency, it’s just a habit).

After all of that, I schedule the post for whatever day I want it to run. Sometimes, like today actually, I wrote this post in the morning and came back in the afternoon to edit it, so I will just publish it as soon as I’m done.

I do not sit on a post for too long waiting to perfect it. In my mind, I will never write the perfect post. The only perfect post to me is the one that I actually publish. The ones that sit as drafts do me no good just sitting there. That’s the great part about a blog. If my opinions change or I wanted to add more, I can just write a new post, or even add to an older one.

That’s my process, curious to see what has worked for others.