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Done Moving, Never Done Unpacking

Well, I finally moved the rest of my crap out of my old condo on Sunday.  I thought moving all the stuff was brutal, but now I’m realizing that unpacking it all is even worse.  I am gone for nearly 12 hours during the day, so when I do get home, I don’t feel like doing anything at all, so I’ll most likely be living out of boxes until at least Saturday when I hope that I can get it all unpacked.  Amanda and I are both serious about losing weight and eating healthy and not spending as much money.  We have been together for over 5 years, but this is our first place together, so we are not all over the place trying to see each other and always going out to eat or bringing bad food home to eat.  For the first time in a very long time, I actually packed a decent, healthy lunch and I am excited to eat it today and continue to eat healthy at lunch.  Lunch and breakfast are my two main goals that I am trying to conquer right now.  My breakfast goal is to eliminate Dunkin Donuts to save money and calories.  My lunch goal is to pack a lunch, and not over eat at lunch time.  Dinner is a different story and will take a little longer to overcome that, but I will.

Let’s get into the blood sugars now.  My blood sugars have been a lot better over the last few weeks.  Now, even though I said a lot better, that does not mean that they are still good, it’s just that they are better than before.  I have managed to keep my sugars under the 225 range and under 200 for the most part.  But it’s still not where they need to be, but hey, ya gotta start somewhere right?  My internet was down for like a week at my new place and I couldn’t get Comcast out there soon enough to fix it.  I really, really, really, hate Comcast, but that’s a side note.

Well, I need to get ready for work, so have a great day everyone.