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Diabetes Life Hacking – DBlog Week

Like yesterday’s prompt, I’m not much of an expert here.  The life hacking tricks that I use for diabetes have all came from other people’s recommendations.  I’m not on the Dexcom currently because of my trial of the MiniMed 530G, but when I am wearing the Dex, I use the glass trick that was mentioned in the prompt and by Kerri.

The only hack that I might have right now is that I use the tape that comes with the Enlite sensors to hold it down on my infusion set as well and it has helped a lot.  I have always had issues with keeping infusion sets staying on my stomach, but this tape lasts pretty much forever.

The tape already has a hole in the middle of it, but I cut the piece of tape in half so that I can put half of it on the the bottom half of the infusion set and the other half on the top part.  This allows me to not cover up the plastic part of the infusion set that connects to the tubing.

Other than that, that’s pretty much my only diabetes life hack.  Hopefully you can find some more at the list of other posts from today for Diabetes Blog Week.